Parallel Execution with Dask

You should understand plateau’s Querying Process.


plateau executes queries with a task for every parquet file to read. But plateau doesn’t read every file. It filters them by the predicate’s restrictions on partitions and indexed columns.

The example dataset in the following pictures is partitioned on column A. The bottom half shows the existing parquet files; the upper half shows the querying process with the (possibly) created tasks. We filter the data for A=2 AND B="b". plateau only processes the files A=2/label1.parquet and A=2/label2.parquet because of the restriction on the partitioned column A.

plateau dispatches tasks by parquet file

plateau matches every file’s range of values (stated in the parquet footer) against the query.

plateau rules out the existence of a row with B="b" in A=2/label1.parquet as the Parquet statistics state both the minimum and maximum of column B to be "a". Thus, plateau doesn’t read this file and only reads A=2/label2.parquet.

plateau pushes down parts of the query to the parquet layer

If a file’s range of values doesn’t match, the task returns an empty Dataframe. Otherwise, the task loads the file and filter its data.

plateau filters the resulting dataframes in every task

The loaded dataframes then make up the result.


If shuffle == False (default) the graph of tasks stays the same as it was for creating the dataset that we supplied to be stored. The tasks have to split up their chunk of data according to the partitioning scheme. So every task writes these partitions into multiple distinct files, one into every folder for a specific partition.

If shuffle == True, the data has to be grouped according to the partition_on, bucket_by and num_buckets parameters. Dask handles the distribution of data. If we’re running on a cluster, it sends the data over the network between the workers. More information can be found in Dask’s documentation.

At the end of either case, the results of the writes are collected and finally atomically committed to plateau’s dataset.

plateau's storing process